Sunday 2 January 2011

2 sleeps to go...

Having set up the test page I think it is all working so I thought I should post something.
There are now 2 sleeps to go until lift off and the last few days has been a collection of cleaning, packing, trips to the shops as well as trying to remember everything we need !
We have had great support from everyone for which we are very grateful and we urge you to stay in touch on e-mail that we will check as regularly as we can and we will try and fill you in on our news as we visit these great countries.
So until we have news of the sunny weather in Durban, or pictures of Table Mountain or Charlie's take on the Sydney Opera House and the Blue Mountains, I had better log off whilst asking you to pray for good weather, no traffic on Tuesday and a safe flight
Until next time...


  1. You not bothering with this blog thing then?

  2. we hope that you landed safely and that everybody is well? we believed that a "blog" was something that got updated regularly. apparently that's not the case....!
    all the best rob, clare, neave and haydn.

  3. Well im waiting for an update too! following you everyday and hoping but still no change! xx
